Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A New Page

Its that time of year again when we bring out the colorful lights, sentimental  Christmas music, pine trees, wrapping paper and pray our credit cards don't get maxed out.
Here's hoping the coming year brings brighter days for all who gaze upon these writings. 2012 has been a year full of doubt, despair and heartaches for many American families.
 This old senior has seen many changes to the flesh and bones with a new hip, loss of a kidney and other aging ailments but the good Lord has blessed me with good recovery.
 Just when I thought we would end the year with peace and calm from election madness,  natural disasters, and wars; Satan raised his evil head again. Twenty young innocent lives were forced to enter into heavens gate. There is no sane answer to such tragedy, but I will pray for those souls and the family left to grieve. Once again the subject of gun control will come to the attention of elected officials. The courts will someday have to decide if in the 21st century we all need to arm ourselves with automatic weapons against threats from sick individuals.Personally I believe in the right to own a gun but the days of the revolution are long gone. I have yet to see a hunter use and AK47 to bring down a deer or elk to put meat on the table. My suggestion to help decide who should own a gun is to require everyone living in a household with weapons go through a background check.
  Here is hoping that our civic leaders in Washington will find some common ground to ease the pain of the middle class, elderly, and poor while solving this nations fiscal problems along with curbing the violence in our neighbor hoods
 To the folks who read my blog, thanks for taking the time. May the coming year bring good health, peace, and good fortune to all. America is still the greatest place on earth and I have faith that we can all keep it that way.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



                                    MY PRAYER
                                       FORGIVE ME LORD FOR I AM TRULY A SINNER
                                        I CANNOT JUDGE OTHERS SIMPLY BY THE TONE
                                        OF THEIR SKIN, THEIR CHIOCES IN CIVIL MATTERS OR
                                        WHOM THEY LOVE
                                        I MAY CHERISH LIFE BORN OR UNBORN BUT I CANNOT
                                        SIT IN JUDGEMENT OF OTHERS IN THIS MATTER, I TRULY
                                         BELIEVE THAT YOU ALONE WILL DECIDE WHAT IS JUST
                                         OR UNJUST
                                         I AM THANKFUL LORD FOR THE BLESSING YOU HAVE
                                         BESTOWED UPON ME WITH WIFE’S AND CHILDREN
                                         LORD BE MY COMPANION WHETHER ON THE MOUNTAIN,
                                          DEEP IN THE VALLEY OR IN A PHEW. 
                                          GIVE WISDOM TO THOSE I LOVE TO BE UNDERSTANDING,
                                           COMPASSIONATE, AND DEVOTED TO YOU EVERLASTING
                                           FORGIVE THOSE WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE MORE RIGHTOUS
                                           THAN THEIR BROTHER AND SISTERS

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

America Land Of Choice

On this election day, my vote has been cast as I anxiously await the end of the day when the tally has been officially recorded.
 This has been the most controversial election I can ever recall in all my years of voting.
But, when all is said and done I will proudly still salute the flag and pledge allegiance no matter who is chosen as this nation's leaders.
Only in America can we as citizens reach across the miles to help our friends, family or strangers in time of need and yet exhibit hatred for those who have different political or religious views. Once the dust has settled from this election I hope we can unite again; for storms will continue to come to our shores and they may not always be from mother nature. God Bless America!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mothers Scrapbook

Looking back into the past is such a pleasure when one has a Mother such as I had. Glued to the pages of one of her many scrapbooks are mementos of Pagosa before electronic storage devices. Articles printed in the"Pagosa Sun" of local events such a scores of the local high school sports or who had dinner with a friend complete with names, or major events. The photo here is a partial glimpse of one of the most famous stories to be printed, John Wayne and film crew arrived to make a movie "The Cowboys."
 Anyone who knew my Mother, knew that she was not a shy lady and had many friends while working in the Citizens Bank or attending the Baptist Church. I don't know how she managed but she became friends with John Wayne and was personally invited to travel into the mountains and witness the scene where John Wayne would be shot.
 Times change and people come and go but I am so glad those before me took the time to save memories on printed paper that I hold, feel and smell.  Tucked away in these old scrap books are family history, world history, and events that although they are stored away in memory, the pages bring them back to life. To all the younger generation I would make a request that not all past be stored on some electronic device that become obsolete with each passing day, save some of the past for your grandchildren to hold and admire.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Still Looking Back

 Television programs can become quite addicting as I discovered 
while watching a program called "Who Do You Think You Are. This show peaked my interest in trying to find the source of my roots or just shaking skeletons in the family closet. Using such internet sites as and I learned of  several links to the family tree but the most interesting find for me was the grave site of the only grandfather I knew growing up even though he was only a step-grandfather. This man taught me the fundamentals of being a responsible hard working soul and the rewards it could bring. He also taught me how to catch a trout, track a deer, and the phrase "keep you hand out of your pocket or you'll never amount to hill of beans" has forever been stamped into my brain. Together with my older brothers we worked side by side with Frank and built the house my grandmother called home until the Lord called her to a greater home. With an old brick and hammer I straightened out every old rusty nail used to put up the walls on what I considered a lovely house.
 My dear grandmother went to her home in heaven in 1974, Frank soon sold all the property they owned in Pagosa Springs Colorado and departed that beautiful little town in the San Juans of Southern Colorado. By then my youth was gone and I had put into use the teachings of my parents and grandparents to bring up a family of my own. Although years passed without any knowledge of what had become of Frank I never gave up hopes of someday finding him. 
 Today I can say I am at peace with the memories of my grandfather Frank, only regret that I never knew my paternal grandfather but so grateful to have known Frank.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Year

Father time has come to visit once again, 73 visits and like good wine each one just gets better as the years go by.
This year finds me looking more at the past than the future. I can look back at all the so called good old days and wonder how I made it this far. Here I am facing a demon called cancer and about to lose a kidney, knowing that my visit here on earth is dwindling down with each passing day.
Just today as I read the news from the little town where I grew up; tears filled these old eyes knowing that with progress time has erased all my precious memories of landmarks I remembered through the years. The place of peace and tranquility I knew as young boy has become a beacon for wealthy tourist to come and change the landscape, and promote life as one big party.
Each decade has seen its portion of despair, political turmoil, inflation, depression, recession, but somehow we Americans have found the strength and courage to pull our selves out. Maybe some changes have not been as beneficial as we would like but there still is no greater country to live in. If I could make one change before I leave this world, it would be to find a way to prevent wealth from electing officials to run this country.
Tomorrow morning will find me under the surgeons knife and with Gods help this cancer on the old kidney will be gone, and soon it will be time for my better half to face the same thing. Once we both get our insides repaired life should be a little easier to bare.